Part of Software used in my PC:
- Browser: Chrome, chromium, Firefox, IE, The world
- Reader: FeedDemon(Google RSS Reader PC Client), Adobe Acrobat
- Image Maker: Paint.NET, GeoGebra, PS, 美图秀秀, 美图看看
- Programming Developer: VS2010, Beyond Compare, UltraEdit, PS Pad
- Math: Mathtype,
- CG: MeshLab, Deep Exploration, Fraps, 3DMAX, DirectX, OpenGL, DirectX Sample Browser, NVIDIA Direct3D SDK 10 Browser
- Compress: RAR, 7Z
- Communicator: QQ, Fetion, MSN, 淘宝旺旺
- Download: FlashFXP, eMule, xunLei, FlashGet, uTorrent, Serv-U, FileZilla
- Translator: Lingoes,
- Email: Foxmail
- Video Maker: Corel VideoStudio X3(会声会影X3), PotPlayer,
- Music: TTplayer, Kugoo,
- Desktop: rocketDock
- Converter: 格式工厂
- Tools: 搜狗五笔, 卡巴斯基
- Print: DoPDF
- Office: Latex, MS office, 慧慧日记本
- Others: VMware Workstation 7.0.0