Knight's Tale » 技术

Updating the Ray Tracing project

2009-04-25 00:00

These two days I updated the Ray Tracing project by adding some new models and functions. I just want to make it look more nice than the previous version. You can see my last version of RayTracing here :Approximately Realistic Rendering using Ray Tracing.

The changes between the new and old version of RayTracing are :

1. add Three modles with texture mapping. ( a large person, child, pig)
2. add a transparent clapboard to demonstrate the refracion effect.
2. show the effect with distance attenuation.
3. show the effect with spot light.

Several screenshots of the new RayTracing demo:

  1. add two modles with texture mapping(a child and a pig) and a transparent clapboard.
  2. press "a" key to see the left portion of the scene at real time.
  3. press "d" key to see the right portion of the scene at real time.
  4. a scene to demonstrate the distance attenuation effect.
  5. a scene to demonstrate the spotlight effect.
  6. press "a" key to see the left portion of the scene at real time.

Updated By Knight

2009 - 04 - 25

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